Medical Answering Services

Answering Services for Doctors

Medical Answering Services LLC

New Jersey Hospitalist Answering Services

On Call Answering Service for Hospitalists

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Need for Effective and Reliable Doctor Answering Services

Physician clinics have to deal with thousands of patient calls in a single day and managing such an office is not by any means an easy task. This is why a majority of clinics are now turning to affordable doctor answering services to guarantee the best possible service to their patients at all times.

Why are doctor answering services important?

A doctor’s answering service will work round-the-clock so that no patient call is left unattended. The staff in these companies is well trained and equipped to record all incoming patient calls in accordance with HIPAA guidelines. These medical answering services can be suitably customized to assist hospitals and private clinics. They are reliable and can screen calls, sending the urgent ones to available medical professionals immediately so that medical attention is prompt and there is no delay of treatment. The routine calls for rescheduling of appointments or changing drugs can be shelved for the following day.

How to choose a physician answering service

It is important to choose a doctor answering service that is competent and reliable. In-house receptionists cannot handle the huge volume of calls that keep coming into the clinic throughout the day. These services are trained to follow proper protocols to deal with medical emergencies. They understand the demands of the profession and the need to take action at once. You can check for reviews and customer feedback about an answering service for doctors before choosing one. It is recommended that you select a company which employs qualified staff and has state-of-the-art infrastructure to work competently. They should have positive client feedback and high levels of customer service. Incidentally, there are many answering services for doctors that offer a month long free trial for clients to check their performance before signing them on.

With a reputed doctor answering service at hand, doctors are spared the trouble of handling patient queries at odd hours and they can successfully maintain a good balance between their professional and personal lives.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Look For A Good Doctors Answering Services Provider Firm

Doctors must be assessable to their patients at the time of medical emergencies. Qualified doctors answering services providers have well trained, patient, motivated and emphatic operators along with sophisticated communication mechanisms to ensure that the physicians are available for their patients in the time of need.

Quick, Efficient and Compassionate Service

The demands of medical emergencies are markedly different from other emergency demands or requirements. It is of paramount importance that any communication between patients and their physicians is handled with the greatest of sensitivity and accuracy.

Any incoming or outgoing call must be handled by operators who are proficient in their work and have a strong urge to help patients. An accomplished medical office answering service provider has motivated, caring and compassionate operators, who are sensitive to the needs of the caller and possess the commitment to provide the best service to the doctors as well as their patients.

HIPAA Compliant Service Providers

Another very important factor to take into consideration in case of a healthcare answering services provider is to ensure that they are HIPAA compliant. This refers to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and it set rules and guidelines for electronic health care transactions and provides protection at national level to individuals from age 12 to 18 whose health related information is held by any agency or organization.

The Doctors Answer is a highly qualified doctors answering services provider that has the resources and equipment to provide uninterrupted service on a 24x7 basis. It is a highly professional and reliable firm dedicated to managing important medical information between the doctors and their patients. It has has HIPAA compliant operators who are highly sensitive to the needs and privacy of the callers. You can call them at 800-571-8280 or visit their website for more information.

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Importance of Safeguarding Personal Health Information

All doctor answering services must have a policy of keeping clients’ personal data safe and protected. This is mandatory under the rules of HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

The privacy of personal information has always been a niggling issue – more so in the realm of personal health information.

As more and more health information is digitized, people were getting worried whether they are losing control of their personal health information. To help allay public fears, federal rules were promulgated under the HIPAA to restrict the manner in which doctors can use health information of their patients.

Why privacy is so important?

American society has always accorded high value on individual rights and personal choice, and a personal space free from intrusion.
For a person, privacy is valuable because it facilitates and promotes personal autonomy, individuality, respect and dignity and worth as human beings.

Informational privacy augments individual independence by letting individuals control over who may access different parts of their personal information.

As one doctor put it, “For any person privacy of his or her medical records is very important because it can contain very sensitive information about his or her physical and mental health”.

Because doctor answering services are partners to the medical profession they have to abide by what doctors stand for.

In this regard, it is heartening to note that top rung medical answering services do their utmost to train their employees in the best possible manner to abide by the latest in HIPAA. Employees are made to understand that if security of health data is breached, patients whose health data was inappropriately accessed can face any number of problems.

With a mission statement “to keep customers, employees, and shareholders happy and satisfied”, The Doctors Answer is providing services to their clients, 24/7 and 365 days a year.

Monday, March 02, 2015

Answering Services Proactively Partnering Doctors for Better Health Care

Today technology has advanced a great deal. Now the data collected in a healthcare provider’s office includes a more comprehensive patient history.

The reason is digitization of all paper records.

For a professional answering service, medical segment is proving to be a challenging area of work, with EHR or Electronic Health Record gradually becoming ubiquitous in the health care domain.

What is EHR?

EHR or Electronic Health Record is a digital version of patients’ health history. Earlier in a paper form, EHR now in a digital version, is allowing medical professionals and their business partners have access to real time, patient specific records instantaneously.

Electronic Health Records helps with:

Patients’ health history, treatment plans, diagnoses, laboratory and test results and more.

Easy access to evidence based tools that doctors can make use of for making decisions about a patient’s treatment

Automating and streamlining doctors’ workflow

One of the key benefits is doctors, using her, are be able to stay ahead in the ever transforming medical care landscape.

An Answering Service for Medical professionals, by virtue of being a business partner can be required to access EHRs from time to time.
Even if the client is just about beginning to switch over from paper records to EHRs, the answering service in conjunction with the doctor will experience the following benefits.

Enhanced quality of medical care – When doctors begin to use EHR and plan ways to securely share information with other medical professionals, the answering service will also benefit by the advantages of easy access to digital versions of patient history.

Keeping the patient health information safe to comply with HIPAA rules.

Like all other sectors, the medical profession is also going the Information
Technology way. After all, doctors today cannot compromise with adopting and implementing meaningful use of EHR.

The Doctors Answer backed by a team of highly trained representatives is providing top class services to clients, 24/7 and 365 days a year.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Improve Communications by Engaging Right Medical Office Answering Service

Is your staff finding it difficult to cope up with incoming calls due to rush hours? If you are receiving complaints from patients that their calls are not answered professionally after office hours, then you should start looking for an efficient Medical Office Answering Service.

Simplifying hospital communications

These are classic cases of communication issues faced by medical offices. There are many other issues such as inefficient front office staff, communication lapses, and so forth.

Answering services for hospitals and medical offices have come a long way. Modern answering service providers have adopted cutting age technologies and client specific modules to cater to varied demands of customers.

Leading service providers such as The Doctors Answer ensure that your patients will not get even the remotest feeling that they are speaking with somebody from a call center.

Well trained answering staff at your service

Call executives from these medical answering partners are soft spoken and knowledgeable. They are trained to make patients or their relatives feel at ease with their pleasant mannerisms and proper handling of queries.

They are also aware of medical terminologies and know exactly they are required to escalate calls that are of urgent nature such as medical emergencies.

One more reason why many of the leading hospitals are choosing medical office answering service for day-to-day communication management is adherence to HIPAA protocols.

Health related information of patients is handled with utmost secrecy by complying with stringent guidelines put in place by federal regulations. Call agents of leading answering service for hospitals are trained periodically for the same.

Doctors have no access to the details of patient conversation in a regular medical office setup. These answering services can provide recorded conversations, so that physicians can take proper decisions.

Medical office answering service can be engaged for round-the-clock management of hospital communications or as a substitute while the front office staff is away due to breaks or holidays.

Friday, January 02, 2015

A Good Healthcare Answering Services Provider Offers Customized Service

All quality doctors and physicians strive to provide the best possible care to their patients. A person in need of medical attention is anxious and worried. Patients undergo physical as well as mental trauma. This is why it is imperative that medical service providers hire the services of a reputable and well-established healthcare answering services provider, which, with its motivated workforce and superior call providing service, can assure patients that the help is only a phone call away.

There is absolutely no scope for errors or negligence when the life of a patient is at stake. It is important that a doctor or a hospital takes the utmost care and invest in services that will ensure that the patient receives the best possible treatment.

Quality doctor’s answering services providers can take a big load off doctors’ shoulders by flawlessly managing their inbound and outbound calls. Their reliable and efficient service results in smooth flow of communications and streamlined work processes, enabling the doctors to provide the most comprehensive care to their patients.

Few of the important factors that need consideration when hiring the services of a physicians answering firm are as following:

HIPAA Compliant Operators

First and foremost, you need to ensure that the services provider has HIPAA compliant operators. Medical information is sensitive and patients need the utmost assurance that their confidence will not be breached and their sensitive medical data will not be made public without their express permission.

Highly Customized Service

The requirements and needs of two medical practitioners may be vastly different. Quality service providers know that and provide customized services that are suited to exactly meet the needs and requirements of their clients. Doctors only need to pay for the services that are needed and delivered.

The Doctors Answer is a highly trusted and reliable healthcare answering service firm.  Dedicated and HIPAA compliant staff along with superior technology enables this firm to provide superior answering services at the most affordable rates.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Doctor Answering Services to Make Life Easier

Doctor answering services are a blessing in disguise. They make life easier both for the patients and for physicians. They reduce the hold time for patients and increase customer satisfaction. They are a blessing for doctors as their medical answering services provide tailor made solutions for the doctors. They design their services as per the requirements of the healthcare organizations they partner with. Answering services filter calls for doctors. The doctors have to answer only relevant calls. Answering services also have quality control checks in place so that the calls and messages coming in an organization are answered in time.

The main benefits of answering services include:

Emergency call answering services available throughout the day, all days.
Calls answered by professional and trained staff who know when and to whom to transfer the call.
Calls answered quickly.
Calls answered by trained staff in a professional tone.
Unnecessary calls filtered and only useful calls transferred to doctors.
Time, money, and energy saving.
The privacy of the doctors is protected as the patients and nurses cannot see their numbers.
Reliable, efficient, secure, and professional services.
Reports and call analysis promise increased patient satisfaction and stress-free life for doctors.

Services from medical answering services can be customized to suit a healthcare organization’s needs. Sound patient care management means that patients and their families can be assured that someone will be there to help in times of need. Apart from this, answering services schedule appointments for patients and arrange call back from doctors. They gather patient’s information, answer questions on insurance and referral services, as well as efficiently answer patients’ questions about bills and payments. They are like a 24x7 call center for the patients.

Medical answering services employ staff that is polite with patients or their near ones who call up the health center. Patients can get in touch with answering services via phone, email, text, or pager. These services can book, cancel, or reschedule appointments. The staff and the doctors are kept updated through answering services.  Doctors can concentrate on their work and leave the stress of answering calls to these efficient and reliable answering services.