Thursday, August 14, 2014

Doctors Too Need A Break From Work

Online physician services are proving to be a blessing for doctors. In New Jersey for instance, there are several professional call handling services catering to the healthcare industry, among many others. Given the nature of medical and healthcare services, also known in combination as the wellness industry, there is a case of demand outstripping supply of servicing capacity in most places. In such a situation, doctors’ working hours get invariably stretched and they have a hard time attending to patients as well as attending to calls from existing as well as potential patients.

Doctors can add to their productive hours

If you are a doctor, running your own healthcare facility and facing a similar situation, you would be pleased to know that there is help available for you. Online physician services, not just in New Jersey but all across the country, are providing vital call handling assistance to doctors struggling to handle patient calls on one hand and attending to patients on the other. Doctors who are utilizing such services are happy that they can dedicate more practice time to patients and add to their productivity. In addition to that, they can also take the much-needed breaks from their busy schedule and rest assured that calls by patients are being attended to.

Choose the call handling service carefully

However, just about any call answering service won’t be able to cater to the needs of the healthcare services run by physicians. The call attendants should be HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant, which means that they should have been trained as per the norms and best practices laid out in HIPAA guidelines. Unless you’re able to ensure that, you might end up harming your business interests more than gaining any tangible benefits out of hiring any such call handling service. If the patients calling up your office or facility are not spoken to in the manner prescribed by the HIPAA guidelines, you might end up with eroded goodwill in the market.


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