Thursday, April 02, 2015

Importance of Safeguarding Personal Health Information

All doctor answering services must have a policy of keeping clients’ personal data safe and protected. This is mandatory under the rules of HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

The privacy of personal information has always been a niggling issue – more so in the realm of personal health information.

As more and more health information is digitized, people were getting worried whether they are losing control of their personal health information. To help allay public fears, federal rules were promulgated under the HIPAA to restrict the manner in which doctors can use health information of their patients.

Why privacy is so important?

American society has always accorded high value on individual rights and personal choice, and a personal space free from intrusion.
For a person, privacy is valuable because it facilitates and promotes personal autonomy, individuality, respect and dignity and worth as human beings.

Informational privacy augments individual independence by letting individuals control over who may access different parts of their personal information.

As one doctor put it, “For any person privacy of his or her medical records is very important because it can contain very sensitive information about his or her physical and mental health”.

Because doctor answering services are partners to the medical profession they have to abide by what doctors stand for.

In this regard, it is heartening to note that top rung medical answering services do their utmost to train their employees in the best possible manner to abide by the latest in HIPAA. Employees are made to understand that if security of health data is breached, patients whose health data was inappropriately accessed can face any number of problems.

With a mission statement “to keep customers, employees, and shareholders happy and satisfied”, The Doctors Answer is providing services to their clients, 24/7 and 365 days a year.


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